Investigating the Smallpox Blanket Controversy
What Made Smallpox so Infamous?
Smallpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the variola virus in the Orthopoxvirus family. It is widely considered . Smallpox-like suggest that it existed with humans for at least 3,000 years. In the 20th century alone, .
Smallpox Symptoms
The lasting 2-4 days. After the onset of symptoms, a appears and develops in stages, beginning in the mouth and expanding to cover the whole body. Eventually, the bumps scab over and fall off, leaving very visible scarring. Victims remain contagious until the last scab falls off (~3-4 weeks after onset).
Types of Smallpox
There are , variola minor and variola major, which carry mortality rates of 1% and 30%, respectively. In addition, there are 4 clinical presentations of the disease: ordinary, modified, flat and hemorrhagic. Historically speaking, ordinary (variola major) and modified-type smallpox were the most frequent infections and had the lowest mortality rates. Modified-type smallpox occurred in previously vaccinated people and produced a less severe rash than ordinary smallpox. For , children and pregnant people were most likely to be afflicted with the variations. Flat-type (malignant) smallpox occurred more often in children and was nearly always fatal. In this form, the bumps from the rash merged and never filled with fluid. Hemorrhagic smallpox mainly occurred during pregnancy and was almost always fatal. The rash did not harden, but the skin underneath bled, causing it to look burnt. This was accompanied by internal bleeding and organ failure.
Identification of Smallpox
The unique and easily recognizable rash caused by smallpox makes it easy to identify. Approximately 65-80% of survivors are afflicted with lifelong severe pockmark scarring. Other complications include miscarriage, blindness, opportunistic infection, arthritis and encephalitis. These created lifelong physical and psychological suffering for survivors.
Smallpox Eradication
People in the 18th and 19th centuries might not have known what a virus was, but it was common knowledge among Europeans that smallpox spread after contact with a sick individual, and quarantine was the best strategy to reduce the spread. When smallpox swept through Indigenous communities, the aftermath was catastrophic. included 38.5% of Aztecs; 50% lost in the Piegan, Huron, Catawba, Cherokee and Iroquois Nations; 66% of Omaha and Blackfeet; 90% of the Mandan, and all but disappeared.
Why Did Smallpox Have Such a Devastating Effect on Native American Populations?
One explanation for the catastrophic effect of European infectious diseases on Indigenous people originates with differences in societal evolution between the Old and New Worlds. While the relationships among humans, their environment and emerging infectious diseases are complicated, . According to , many of the most devastating diseases for Indigenous people in the Americas originated with domesticated animals, and although there is no evidence of nonhuman reservoirs for smallpox, the disease is thought to have evolved from horses. Furthermore, because horses were not domesticated in North or South America prior to the arrival of the European settlers, the disease was one to which Indigenous people did not have prior exposure.
Who Writes History?
Yet, the most infamous to Native Americans occurred in 1763 at Fort Pitt (present day downtown Pittsburgh). On June 24, 1763, William Trent, a fur trader commissioned at Fort Pitt, wrote in his journal after a failed negotiation between the British and the Delaware tribe. He stated that they had given the emissaries food, and as Trent wrote, “Out of our regard to them we gave them of the Small pox (sic) Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect.”
Later that year, the . The fort’s commander wrote to his superior officer, Colonel Bouquet, that he feared the disease would overwhelm the fort’s inhabitants. After hearing of the outbreak, Bouquet’s superior officer, Lord Jeffrey Amherst, sent a suggestion from New York: “Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox (sic) among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them.”
Bouquet responded, “I will try to inoculate [them] with some blankets that may fall in their hands and take care not to get the disease myself.” It is important to understand that before Jenner’s safer practice of vaccination, the term . While this method was the main way of producing mass immunity, it was also known to be just as likely to start an epidemic as to end one. The timing of and lasted well into 1764 coincides very closely with the distribution of infected articles from Fort Pitt.
Is It Possible to Spread Smallpox with Blankets?
In the early rash stage of smallpox disease, the variola virus is spread through exposure to droplets from coughing or sneezing. In later stages, the virus , like clothing and bedding. While the most contagious period is the early rash stage when mucous membranes in the mouth and throat are heavily infected with viral particles, face-to-face contact is not the only way to acquire the disease. Viable virus particles remain in urine, scabs, lesion fluid and saliva, which could linger on linens or other objects. Documented outbreaks occurred from , indicating that blanket transmission is possible.
Was the Great Plains Outbreak of the 1830s Intentional?
“In 1831, some of the white men… under the influence of a disposition, which it would seem had its origin in a world worse than ours, conceived the design of communicating the small-pox (sic) to those remote tribes! I have in my possession the certificate of a young man who was employed as one of the company; that they designed to communicate [smallpox] on a present of tobacco…or if such an opportunity should not offer, an infected article of clothing…Not long after this the Pawnees on the Great Platt River were most dreadfully afflicted with small-pox.”
What Happened to Isaac McCoy’s Proof?
This information was shared . The previous letter is located in McCoy’s book, . However, the book does not include the certificate of proof.
In search of McCoy’s certificate, Foley checked the , the , the Andrew Jackson libraries at the and at . The and the as well as the Lewis Cass collections at the , the and the Cass collection at the National Archives were also searched. Many of these collections contained McCoy’s correspondence with Jackson, but none of them contained his enclosed proof. What happened to this enclosure (and why it was removed) is likely long lost to history, and these questions may never have answers.
Where Do We Go from Here?
Concrete proof is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain centuries after an event. This is particularly true when participants have caused the level of suffering and death commensurate with the . Native American populations are in the years since contact with Christopher Columbus, not only through disease but also through violent means.
In December 1775, at the siege of Boston during the American Revolutionary War, George Washington wrote in that he must credit the rumors of the British military deliberately starting a smallpox outbreak; something he had previously believed unthinkable. This begs the question: if one were willing to take such measures against citizens that they claimed were their own, and who had previously been friends, what was to stop them from doing the same thing to people they considered subhuman?