
Corporate Council
Kingdom Member Showcase

Content placement here is available for Kingdom members only. 

ASM's Corporate Council program offers companies a unique year-long relationship with ASM and its members. Starting in 2022, companies can now choose between 3 membership tiers—Kingdom, Phylum or Class. Corporate Council members receive the following exclusive benefits for their participation:

Connections With Leadership

  • Direct access to ASM staff and leaders.
  • Invitation to ASM Board Reception.
  • Invitation to year-long virtual learning sessions (fireside chats).
  • Invitation to ASM Corporate Council Stakeholders Convenings (Clin Micro Open and CC2).

Exclusive Sponsorship & Meeting Opportunities 

  • Priority review of ASM-wide sponsorships.
  • Priority booth selection for ASM Microbe and ASM CVS.
  • Priority housing selection for ASM Microbe and ASM CVS.
  • Priority advertising selection for ASM Microbe and ASM CVS (must be an exhibitor).
  • Opportunity to host a focus group at ASM Microbe and ASM CVS.
  • Complimentary meeting registrations

Recognition and Marketing 

  • Acknowledgement as a supporter of the ASM Awards and Prize Program.
  • Acknowledgement on ASM's social media.
  • Logo displayed on asm.org Corporate Council webpage.
  • Logo displayed at all major ASM meetings. 
  • Logo displayed in printed program at ASM Microbe and ASM CVS.
  • Corporate Council monthly newsletter.
  • Personalized Corporate Council annual benefits report.
  • Complimentary advertisement in the ASM Newsletter.
  • Complimentary article on asm.org.

Exposure to the Microbial Science Community 

ASM Corporate Council Benefits and Tiers Chart

Connections With Leadership
Direct Access to ASM Leaders ✔      ✔      ✔     
ASM Board Reception ✔ (10) ✔ (5) ✔ (2)
Year-long Virtual Learning Sessions ✔ (4) ✔ (2)  
Convening I (Clin Micro Open) ✔ (4) ✔ (2)  
NEW! Convening II (CC2) ✔ (4)  
  Kingdom $40,000 Phylum $20,000 Class $10,000
Exclusive Sponsorship and Meeting Opportunities
Priority Review Sponsorships ✔      ✔      ✔     
Priority Booth Selection ✔      ✔      ✔     
Priority Housing Selection ✔      ✔       
Priority Advertising Selection ✔      ✔       
Host a Focus Group ✔         
Meeting Registrations ✔ (4)    
  Kingdom $40,000 Phylum $20,000 Class $10,000
Recognition and Marketing
Supporter ASM Awards and Prize Program ✔      ✔      ✔     
Acknowledgement on ASM's LinkedIn ✔      ✔     ✔    
Logo on ASM.ORG on Corporate Council webpage ✔     ✔     ✔   
Logo Displayed at all major ASM Meetings ✔     ✔     ✔   
Logo in Printed Program
(Microbe & CVS)
✔     ✔    ✔   
Monthly Newsletter ✔      ✔     ✔    
Customized Annual Report ✔         
Advertisement in ASM Newsletter ✔ (4)    
Article on ASM.ORG ✔            
  Kingdom $40,000 Phylum $20,000 Class $10,000
Exposure to Microbial Sciences Community
Clinical Online Journal Package    âœ” (4)        âœ” (1)           
All-Inclusive Online Journal Package ✔ (4)    
ASM Contributing Membership ✔ (4)    
Company Showcase on ASM.ORG Corporate Council webpage ✔         

Thank you to all of our current Corporate Council members for their collaboration and commitment, which are essential to advancing and promoting the field of microbial sciences.