
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Travel Award for Early-Career Scientists

The ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Travel Award for Early Career Scientists supports the reciprocal exchange of 1 member from each organization to present their research at the other organization's main conferences, ASM Microbe and FEMS Congress. The award is designed to benefit early career scientists from both organizations by giving them the opportunity to present their work overseas and experience the best of microbiology in the partner country. This award recognized future leaders in microbiology by supporting travel for early career scientists to present a poster of their research at ASM Microbe.

Program Details

Amount: Up to €4,000 for FEMS members traveling to ASM Microbe 2024 and complimentary registration.

Number of awards: One awardee will be selected for this travel award.

Selection process: FEMS will select the member attending ASM Microbe 2024.


An early career scientist eligible for the ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Award should:

  • Be a current member of a .
  • A microbiologist active in research and current Ph.D. (or equivalent) student or recipient of Ph.D. within the past 5 years. (Note: periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave or illness do not count toward this definition).
  • A presenting author on an accepted abstract to ASM Microbe 2024. (Note: applications are to be submitted prior to knowing whether your abstract has been accepted for ASM Microbe 2024).

Submission Requirements To Be Considered For a Travel Award

  • Abstract must be accepted.
  • Name of the FEMS Member Society and membership number.
  • Brief bio (abbreviated CV), including list of publications and a synopsis of research that demonstrates the depth of the applicant's research experience.
  • Letter of nomination written by a professor, advisor, mentor, employer or director of the department provided.
  • Note: CV, letter of nomination and any additional documentation must be combined into 1 uploaded document (PDF preferred).


General abstract submissions and travel award applications for ASM Microbe 2024 closed in Jan. 2024.

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