
Our Work

The Board of Directors (BOD) is made up of committed ASM members who volunteer their time and energy to support the organization. It is the highest governing body of the Society and oversees all other bodies and functions.


Broadly defined characteristics of an exceptional board include, but are not limited to:

  • Works in constructive partnership with the Council on Microbial Sciences (COMS), ASM Program Committees and CEO.
  • Is mission driven, articulating a compelling vision to ensure congruence between decisions and core values.
  • Sets the strategic direction, engaging in discussions and deliberations that affect the Society’s direction in the long run.
  • Presents a culture of inquiry, respect and debate that leads to sound strategic decisions.
  • Is independent-minded, putting forward the interests of the Society before anything else.
  • Develops a culture of transparency, ensuring that members and all stakeholders have access to appropriate and accurate information regarding finances, operations and outcomes.
  • Adheres to the highest standards of integrity by managing conflicts of interest and establishing appropriate mechanisms of oversight.
  • Is a careful steward of the Society’s resources, by linking bold visions and plans to appropriate financial prudence.
  • Is results-oriented, measuring and evaluating the performance of various bodies and programs without managing them directly.
  • Operates under best practices in fulfilling its governance duties.
  • Evaluates its own actions for continuous learning and improvement.
  • Revitalizes itself through planned turnover and inclusiveness based on diversity at all levels (gender, race, geography, sexual orientation, scientific discipline).

BOD Roles and Responsibilities

The ASM Board of Directors provides strategic direction to the Society. It brings ASM's mission to life by setting and approving the vision for the Society. The board is also ultimately responsible for approving all legal, financial and governance matters. It is important to note that no director on the board represents specific constituencies, rather the whole Society. In addition, the BOD provides oversight for the ASM CEO.

The board is includes 2 COMS-Elected Board Directors, 6 At-Large Board Directors and the following members of the ASM Executive Committee:

  • President.
  • President-Elect.
  • Past President.
  • Secretary.
  • Treasurer.


The president shall be Chair of the BOD and preside at meetings of the BODs and at annual and special meetings of the membership. The president shall be responsible for ensuring the execution of the policies determined by the BOD and shall act as primary spokesperson for the Society. View the full position description.


The president-elect provides secondary leadership for the Society, substitutes for the president when needed and prepares to serve as president. The president-elect serves as the Chair of the ASM Appointments Committee. View the full position description.

Past President

The past president assists the president when necessary. The past president serves as the Chair of the ASM Nominating Committee.


The secretary assists the president and is responsible for overseeing the accuracy of the minutes of all meetings of the BOD and meetings of the membership. View the full position description.


The treasurer is responsible for overseeing all money and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Society and for overseeing full and accurate accounting of receipts and disbursement. The treasurer provides reports on the financial status of the Society to the BOD at its regular meetings, or when the BOD so requires. View the full position description.

COMS-Elected Board Director (2)

COMS-Elected Board Directors are recognized leaders for their scientific achievements, sharing their expertise, vision and strategies for the microbial sciences. As members of the BOD, COMS-Elected Board Directors must ensure that ASM activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission of promoting and advancing microbial sciences—recognizing and disclosing conflicts of interest and making decisions that are in the best interest of the “whole of ASM.” View the full position description.

At-Large Board Directors (6)

At-Large Board Directors provide strategic direction to the Society. The board is also ultimately responsible for approving all legal, financial and governance matters. View the full position description.
