


Host-Microbe Biology

The Host Microbe Biology (HMB) track explores pathogenic and symbiotic relationships between microbes and their hosts, as well as the microbiome, and is the place for scientists studying genetics, physiology and virulence of microbes at the basic science level to get the latest insights on mechanisms that shape host-microbe relationships.

Explore the HMB Track

Dive into the HMB Track with focused subtracks, must-see hot sessions and more!


The ASM Microbe HMB Track is composed of 12 subtracks which further define its subject matter. 

  • HMB01-Host Microbe Interactions using Non-Vertebrate Model Systems.
  • HMB02-Host-Microbe Interactions using Non-Human Vertebrate Model Systems.
  • HMB03-Basic Science of Pathogen During Human Infections.
  • HMB04-Immune Responses to Pathogens.
  • HMB05-Pathogen Interaction with Host Cells.
  • HMB06-Bacterial Toxins, Effectors and Surface Structure Interactions with Host.
  • HMB07-Microbiome Profiling.
  • HMB08-Microbiome Impact on Host Biology/Pathology.
  • HMB09-Polymicrobial Interactions with Host.
  • HMB10-Pathogens Adaptation and Fitness with Hosts.
  • HMB11-Fungal and Viral Interactions with Hosts.
  • HMB12-Therapeutics and Diagnostics (Basic Science Stage.)

Hot Sessions

Discover the must-attend HMB Track sessions, highlighting the latest discoveries in host-microbe biology!